2688 Simmons Road
West Branch, MI 48661
phone : (989) 345-0628
fax : (989) 345-5189

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What should I do for care of my concrete after it has been sealed?
A:  Concrete needs to be maintained on a regular basis to keep it looking as good as possible.  Please see our "Decorative Concrete Care & Maintenance" document which provides a lot of the details you should know for ongoing care.

Q: What should I expect from your service? 
A:  Please take a moment to review our "Decorative Concrete Specifications" to find out more about the servcies we provide.  Our goal remains the same with every job : to exceed your expectations, and part of doing that is to ensure that our customers understand the process and have realistic expectations for their project.

Q. Will our concrete crack?

A. We use a early entry dry cutting system which controls random cracking. The chance of random cracking is minimized.   Some random cracking is probably inevitable in Northern Michigan due to the extreme fluctuations in temperatures, however, concrete cracking does not mean failure.  For more information on our Soff-Cut technology see our "Equipment" page.

Q. Do you recommend wire mesh or fiber mesh?

A. We recommend either, as they both increase the tensil strength of concrete which is important in Northern Michigan with the ground movement.

Q. Should we run cold water over our new concrete?

A. The water can change the temperature of the concrete fast. We recommend that a cure and seal be applied to your new concrete.

Q. How come the concrete your stamping right now does not look anything like the color we picked out?

A. It's all part of the process . Integral coloring does not actually take the nice color until the release agent is washed away and the sealer is applied.  We have had customers react with surprise to the color of the concrete before the job is finished and then when the job has been done and sealer applied, those same customers have written us letters exclaiming how beautiful their concrete looks.  The best thing to do is to wait to see how beautiful the concrete looks when it is finished.

Q. How often do we have to seal our decorative concrete?

A. In most cases 3 to 4 years depending on the foot traffic and wear tear of the decorative area.   We offer sealing service for all our customers and the cost is very affordable.  Sealing not only brings the look of your concrete back to life, but also provides important protection so you get a longer life out of the concrete.

Q. Can we use salt on our concrete in the winter months?

A. We recommend that you never use salt on your decorative concrete as it will contribute to deterioration of the sealer and dull the shine. There are other materials that can be used and are listed in our Proper Care & Maintenance of Decorative Concrete handout .

Q. If we hire you, how soon can you start?

A. We are a very organized company. It's first come - first serve. So lets plan a start date RIGHT NOW!

What Our Clients Say About Us...

This letter is in recommendation of concrete services provided by Justin Benjamin (DBA Finished Concrete).
Justin completed (4) individual jobs for my company last summer.  (3) residential and (1) commercial project.
I was pleased with his work and his work ethic.  He completed the jobs in a timely and professional manner.
I intend to use him for my company's concrete work in the future.

--Gary Illig - Illig Construction